Have you ever written a blog post that you know is well-written and contains great advice, only to publish the article and…. crickets?

It sucks. I get it.

Part of the reason you're not getting enough eyeballs on your content may be because you aren't focusing enough on content distribution. With so much content available online these days, you need to make sure you're putting your content in a position to be successful. This means sharing it in all the right places.

[bctt tweet="With so much content available online these days, you need to make sure you're putting your content in a position to be successful. This means sharing it in all the right places." username="constantcontent"]

With that in mind, I've put together a list of all the places marketers and bloggers should share their content.

Let's dive in…

Free Actionable Bonus: Looking to elevate your content strategy? Get our complete guide to creating a content strategy, plus a free content planning template and a list of 30+ places to distribute content

1. Facebook

Unsurprisingly, Facebook is at the top of the list. Both your personal and company pages are excellent places to share content.

2. Facebook Groups

One way you can help expand the reach of your content and find new followers is by sharing content to Facebook groups. To do this you'll need to request to join a relevant group, and then share an article from your personal account to the group.

3. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an especially useful social network if you're producing B2B content and is arguably the most "professional" social network.

4. LinkedIn Articles

Posting company updates isn't the only way to share content. You can also use the Articles feature to post an article under your profile.

5. LinkedIn Groups

Like Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups let people join and share relevant content. Be sure to read the guidelines for each group as they all have slightly different standards.

6. Twitter

Twitter is a great place to share relevant content. Trying using both your company and personal page to share and amplify your content.

7. Twitter Chat

Twitter Chats can be an excellent way for you to expand your reach on Twitter and connect with other brands and experts in your industry.

8. Instagram

While Instagram is typically thought of in terms of pictures and video, you can also use it to drive traffic to your content. For example, add a link to your bio that links to your most popular article.

9. Instagram Stories

Instagram stories are even better than posting an image because viewers can swipe up to visit whatever link you've included in the post. Keep in mind, that adding a link to your story is only available to verified accounts or businesses with over 10,000 followers.

10. Snapchat

While Snapchat is not often though of for its ability to distribute content, Snapchat works in a similar way to Instagram stories. You can add a link to your story and let views swipe to visit that page.

11. Pinterest

Create a brand Pinterest account and share your content there too. Pinterest is a visually-driven platform so it helps to have a nice header image.

12. Shared Pinterest Boards

Shared Pinterest boards are another great way to distribute content. They work similar to your personal or brand account, except that anyone can share to the board.

These types of shared boards tend to generate more traffic.

13. YouTube

Video is becoming one of them most popular ways to consume content. Businesses can leverage this trend by recording how-to guides and short snippets and publishing them to YouTube. You can then include a link in the description back to your original piece of content.

14. Vimeo

If you're thinking about posting to YouTube, consider publishing on Vimeo as well.

Vimeo has a smaller audience than YouTube (about 240 million compared to 1.6 billion), however it tends to be a more active and supportive community. The audience also tends to be more mature in age.

15. Reddit

Reddit hates blatant self-promotion, but when done well, can send your content a huge amount of traffic.

If you've spent any amount of time on Reddit, you've likely noticed the community's distaste for marketing and promotion. There's even a subreddit dedicated to it, /r/hailcorporate.

The trick to actually getting traffic from Reddit is to share your website in a truly authentic and valuable way.

16. SlideShare

While it may not be as well used as in the past, SlideShare is a great place to share content. If you're interested in promoting a blog post using SlideShare, simply turn the key points of the article into a presentation and include a link back to the original article at the end.

17. Google+

While Google+ may be the least prioritized social media for a lot of business, it still has an impressive user base and can drive a lot of traffic to your site.

18. Medium

Medium is a popular publication for both readers and publishers.

If you can, try submitting your content to an established Medium publication. They already have an audience and will provide a significant boost to your traffic especially if you're just starting out.

One nice part about Medium is that you can republish existing blog posts.

19. Digg

Similar to Medium, Digg refers to itself as the "homepage of the internet." If you can get your content featured somewhere on Digg, then there's a good chance it will drive a huge amount of traffic to your site.

20. Zest.is

Zest.is is a relatively new place I've been visiting to find and share content but I think has huge potential. The problem with some LinkedIn Groups and other sites is that people spam it with low-quality content. Zest.is tackles this problem by having people submit content suggestions to a team of reviewers who decide if it's right for the community of Zesters.

21. GrowthHacker

GrowthHackers is a dedicated marketing community than has an up-vote and down-vote button like Reddit. While the community has a high standard for what content gets up-voted, getting on the front page will send you some significant traffic.

22. HackerNews

HackerNews is tech community similar to Reddit and GrowthHacker. Founded by Y Combinator, HackerNews features a variety of content focused on IT, computer science, and entrepreneurship.

23. Product Hunt

While Product Hunt is typically reserved for product releases, you can also package up and share your best content resources.

For instance, the BAMF Bible, a collection of marketing tips and hacks, has over 2,000 upvotes on the Product Hunt.

24. Quora

Quora is a question-and-answer website that boasts over 690 million monthly visitors. To start answering questions and sharing your content on Quora, create an account and follow some relevant topics.

You can also search for keywords to find existing questions that you can answer. Then just include a link back to your blog post in your answer

25. Yahoo Answers

Yahoo Answers is question-and-answer community similar to Quora. While it doesn't quite have as many monthly users as Quora, it still has a significant base of active users with 300 million monthly visitors.

26. Triberr

Triberr is something I've come across more recently and it's a cool idea. Triberr's goal is to build communities of bloggers and marketers around core topics ("tribes") where people share and support each other's content.

27. Mix.com

Formerly knowns as StumbleUpon, Mix.com is a collection of top content from around the web. While Mix may not have the same levels of traffic as some of these other sites, getting on to the front page can still send you hundreds of pageviews every month.

28. Blog Engage

Blog Engage is another community-driven website where bloggers, rate, and comment on articles. There are up-vote and down-vote buttons like Reddit, with the most popular content reaching the home page.

29. Bloglovin'

Bloglovin' is the Pinterest of blogs. By following different topics and pages, the site builds a personalized feed of content from around the web.

Business 2 Community is a place where professional can "establish their thought leadership, increase exposure for their business/organization, and network with others."

Becoming a contributor does require passing an application process however it was a fast and simple process compared to many comparable sites.

31. Email Newsletter

Not to be forgotten, is the traditional email newsletter. This can be a great way to establish a baseline of traffic for each new article you post as it gets immediately sent to your subscribers.

32. Email Signature

You send emails to business partners, industry professionals, and clients all the time. Including a piece of content in your email signature can be a good way to drive incremental, highly-relevant traffic to specific articles.

Well there you have it, the 30+ best places marketers and bloggers should be sharing their content.

Are there any sites we missed? Let us know in the comments!

Be sure to check back later, we're always updating the list with more places to share your content.