Watson Iot Continuous Engineering Summit 2020


From August 20, 2015 19:00 until August 20, 2015 22:30

Bosnia Agile in cooperation with Cisco Systems, Microsoft, IBM, and HUB387 is unlocking the potential of the Internet of Things.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is not a buzzword anymore. This is a key innovation fueling modern businesses. IoT systems are connecting traditional products to a broader ecosystem and are unlocking new innovation streams.  Smart and inexpensive Things are creating opportunities for new business development that were impossible to imagine just few years ago.  And above all, there are dramatic changes in new business models that are creating a connected world. The numbers don't lie. According to Gartner, approximately 3.9 billion connected things were in use in 2014 and this figure is expected to rise to 25 billion by 2020.  75% of companies are exploring or using IoT in the business in some respects (internally/externally), and there is 36% year to year growth in processing, sensing and communications semiconductor devices. IoT is here to stay, and is changing everything we know about modern business applications.

Today there are 500K developers contributing to the Internet of Things, expected to grow to 4.5M by 2020 [link].  Almost 29% of Chinese developers are currently developing software for the IoT and 41% plan to start within the next 12 months [Evans Data, 06/01/2014]. Recently, an Eclipse developer survey showed that 33% of developers are engaged with IoT apps and over 50% are in learning and discover mode [link].

After the event join us for a networking event with snacks and drinks.




Time (min)







Welcome to the Bosnia Agile Internet of Things Event




Are you ready for IoT disruption?: Ana Seliškar

Digitization is redefining industries. Every business, city and country will become digital. Trends show that by 2020 50 billion devices will be connected. This growth of IoT requires compute and storage close to the end devices for several reasons – data reduction, resiliency, latency and scale. All those can be addressed by fog computing uniquely enabled by Cisco as one of six pillars of Cisco IoT System which provides the technologies and software you need to deploy, accelerate, and innovate in the era of IoT.




IoT across devices with Windows 10 and Azure IoT Suite: Admir Tuzovi ć

More and more, we're seeing the Internet of Things (IoT) become part of the fabric of business, helping converge an organization's assets, data and processes with people and business systems. Today, this intersection is allowing enterprises to uncover new opportunities, create new business models and transform their operations – from elevators, to particle accelerators and washing machines – to become truly digital businesses.

Microsoft's vision is to help companies thrive in this era of IoT, delivering open, scalable platforms and services that any company, whether startup or the most established global enterprises, can use to create new value, right now. We have made huge investments in the Windows 10 IoT operating system for devices, and equally with the Azure IoT Suite, we're bringing together a variety of Azure services to help our customers accelerate their transformation to digital businesses.

The Azure IoT Suite is an integrated offering that takes advantage of all the relevant Azure capabilities to connect devices and other assets (i.e. "things"), capture the diverse and voluminous data they generate, integrate and orchestrate the flow of that data, and manage, analyze and present it as usable information to the people who need it to make better decisions as well as intelligently automate operations. The offering, while customizable to fit the unique needs of organizations, will also provide finished applications to speed deployment of common scenarios we see across many industries, such as remote monitoring, asset management and predictive maintenance, while providing the ability to grow and scale solutions to millions of "things."




Break and Networking




Internet of Things Workbench : Fariz Saračević

Internet of Things provides new opportunities to improve customer experience and offer new services. This session will share details about a new Rapid Application Development (RAD) service offered by IBM, called IBM Internet of Things Workbench. This is a visual application, offered as an IBM Bluemix service that allows engineers to design the overall architecture and interactions between the various IoT entities such as devices, cloud applications and services, mobile clients and asset management systems. IoT Workbench abstracts the messaging details and generates code skeletons for the cloud applications as well as for simulating devices.

The cloud applications are automatically deployed on the cloud environment and leverage the IBM IoT platform for secure connectivity and potentially connecting other services such as machine condition monitoring and geo tracking. This service is unique from other IoT offerings in the sense that it focuses on the design domain rather than being an operational service, while on the other hand it is focused on the operational environment as opposed to generic design tools that need to be adapted for specific domains.




DPA - a gate between IoT networks and the Internet: Nedžib Bukalo

This session will present how Data Processing and Archiving (DPA) system on-site deployment can be used for collecting, archiving and forwarding IoT data to cloud based IoT solutions.




Nest71 IoT New Development: Ceco Gaković

This session will share a few cool IoT developments coming from the Nest71.




Networking Event



Ana Seliškar is a Smart City Consultant with Cisco Systems. Before she joined Cisco Systems Ana Seliškar leaded various IT departments in different industries. Last position she held was a CIO of City of Ljubljana. She joined City administration because of Mayor Janković's ambitious program and changes he brought. During her stay with the City administration she managed the biggest private public partnership ICT project in Slovenia. Before that she was CIO of Slovenia's largest daily newspaper Delo where she reorganized IT department to enable 24/7 support of production processes. Ana Seliškar graduated in Computer and information sciences at the University of Ljubljana.

Admir Tuzović works as Technical Evangelist in Microsoft Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he maintains close relationships with developers, communities, startups, students and industry partners. Admir has over 20 years of experience as programmer and has previously worked as solution architect for .NET platform, managing multiple product teams simultaneously. His expertise includes in-depth knowledge of Microsoft products and services, ranging from ALM tools, ASP.NET framework, SQL Server, etc. to building cloud native apps on Microsoft Azure Platform and mobile apps on Universal Windows Platform.  Admir is active Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD).

Fariz Saračević is a member of IBM Internet of Things Product Management and Design team, responsible for IBM IoT Continuous Engineering on Cloud. He is working closely with other IBM leads to define and implement IBM IoT vision. Prior to this role, Fariz was responsible for IBM Cloud Managed Services, IBM Rational solution for Agile ALM, JazzHub scenario design, IBM Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) and he was part of Automated Software Quality Product Management team responsible for automated functional solutions. Fariz co-authored "Software Test Engineering with IBM Rational Functional Tester: The Definitive Resource" book and he is writer and co-writer of several articles. He is Agile thought leader and founder of the Bosnia Agile and Agile Middle East associations. Fariz is a speaker at a wide variety of world-wide conferences on the Agile topic. He holds a Master in Information Technology degree from Virginia Tech.

Ned žib Bukalo is responsible for Business Development at DPA Systems - a software development company based in Sarajevo and acting mainly in Western Europe. Mr. Bukalo started his career, in parallel with his studies, as a technical assistant at a local IT company in Sarajevo. Through his professional engagement in 2007 Mr. Bukalo started an international entrepreneurial undertaking which led to the formation of DDC Central Europe a joint venture with a UK/Dutch group of companies - the DDC Group. DDC Central Europe grew to be an international Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) specialist company where Mr. Bukalo served as the Director for four years. In 2011 he moved to DPA Systems, chasing new challenges as an expert for BPO solutions and data processing and archiving. Besides IT, Mr. Bukalo's biography also includes various activities in the NGO sector. Mr. Bukalo holds a B.S. in Computing and Information Science from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering - University of Sarajevo.

Ceco Gaković is lead advisor for Nest71. In the past, Ceco architected and consulted on portals and collaborative environments for clients such as Yahoo, HP, AT&T, Microsoft, AMD, Cisco and Intel and developed touch-screen driven automation and media systems for large vessels, including the largest sailing boat in the world, Jim Clark's cyber-yacht project, the Hyperion. H has been instrumental in evangelizing the startup industry in Europe by organizing and mentoring at major startup events as well as establishing startup accelerator programs abroad.


20.08.2015. from 17:00 - 20:30

Academy 387

Milana Preloga 12

(BOSMAL Tower 1, 4th floor)

71000 Sarajevo

FEE -Participation at this event is free of charge.

Number of seats available is limited. Register to secure your seat.


Source: https://agile.ba/en/events/event/62-conference-unlocking-the-potential-of-the-internet-of-things

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