In that location are numerous unlike types of residential backdrop to be constitute throughout the United Kingdom. However, not all may be suitable for your unique requirements. Allow'due south take the guesswork out of the picture by listing all of the most common variants every bit well as the bespoke aspects of each. Y'all tin can then make an informed and educated decision at the advisable time.

It is currently estimated that there are more than 25 one thousand thousand residential properties throughout the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. From discrete homes and flats to bungalows and cottages, you lot have a host of amazing options at your disposal. There is still no doubt that finding the most advisable structure for your needs tin can exist a bit catchy. Let us examine these and other variants in greater detail. What are the advantages of specific backdrop? What does each have in store? How will toll come up into play? These important questions deserve a great bargain of attending if you hope to obtain the insight and clarity required to brand the all-time selection possible.

Discrete Houses

Every bit the name already suggests, detached houses do not share any walls with a separate construction. They also tend to accept both front end and back gardens. Associated with a greater degree of privacy when compared to other variants, these units are often ideal solutions for those who have children. The median price for a detached house (at the time that this article was written) is £242,286. If y'all are curious to know the worth of your property, feel free to use our online house valuation tool at your disposal.

Semi-Detached Houses

As the name suggests, the simply major divergence between a detached house and a semi-discrete property is that semi-detached homes share at to the lowest degree one wall with an existing structure that is separately owned. Not only does this relieve a bang-up deal of infinite, simply these variants are also noticeably cheaper when compared to fully detached houses. This is why the average 2022 value of these structures was £225,674. The only possible concern is that semi-discrete houses do not offer the aforementioned level of privacy as their detached alternatives.

Terraced Housing

These are actually some of the well-nigh well-known and iconic housing types within the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. Terraced houses are connected past a single wall on either side; leading to a literal "row" of structures that occupy a street. The main advantage hither is that this type of construction saves a great deal of infinite. This is why they are quite popular within urban districts where land is at a premium. The prices of these backdrop are likewise somewhat lower due to the fact that front or back gardens are sometimes absent from their pattern (although some may contain small front yards). Co-ordinate to government figures compiled in January 2018, the boilerplate price for a terraced dwelling is £194,167.

End-of-Terrace Houses

The but main difference between end-of-terrace houses and the terraced counterparts mentioned previously is that these structures are found at the terminal of a row of homes. In other words, merely i wall is shared with an next structure. This is why such houses are often found at the end of a road or on a cul-de-sac. This is too the reason why end-of-terrace homes are priced slightly college. Some studies have found that these structures cost as much as 18 per cent more than normal terraced homes.


There is no incertitude that flats are by far the most well-known types of homes in the UK. Often beingness offered as a series inside a unmarried building, flats are known for their space-saving qualities as well as their convenience. These structures can either be rented on a contractual basis or purchased (the former is quite mutual). Flats are ideal for single individuals or those with small families due to the fact that they are frequently much more affordable when compared to detached or semi-detached houses. In fact, the average rental price of a flat (taking into account both urban and rural locations) is approximately £650. Purchase prices volition naturally vary and if you would like to get a better idea of what flats have recently sold for in your area, accept a look at our sold house price tool.

Converted Flats

The name for these types of residential properties is really a bit of a misnomer. Converted flats are often houses that accept been split into two sections; a peak and bottom half. Either of these tin be considered a flat while the other portion is normally where the owner resides. Please note that larger structures tin be divided into multiple sections (such as individual bedroom-bathroom combinations) which can exist rented separately. Depending upon the property in question, converted flats may or may not offer front and back gardens. The price of these locations fluctuates; depending upon bug such as the age of the property, its overall size and the toll of renting a section out to a customer.

Split-Level Flats

These types of homes in the United kingdom are sometimes referred to as duplexes due to the fact that their area is segmented into an upper and lower half. A staircase normally separates these ii areas; providing a number of options in terms of interior pattern and overall living arrangements. However, split up-level flats are generally the same overall size as their standard counterparts. Equally you lot might have already imagined, the prices of a duplex volition depend upon several features. The size of the building, the amount of interior space, nearby attractions, mean neighbourhood values, and the age of the belongings are a handful of factors which volition be taken into account. This is why some duplexes can cost as picayune every bit £70,000 to purchase while others are listed at well over £350,000.

Studio Flats

Studio flats are known for their open up-air design and they are often chosen by individuals or young couples due to the fact that a limited amount of space might non exist ideally suited for an unabridged family. These flats offer a kitchen, living room and bathroom with only a minimum number of walls separating each section. These types of residential properties are oft some of the most economical choices if you happen to be on a upkeep, as rental prices are acquiescent. The boilerplate rental cost of a one-bedroom studio flat in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland is currently £600 and naturally, the purchase price can vary substantially. For example, some tin can exist valued as low as £30,000 while high-end backdrop will often sell for £400,000 or more than.


These traditional types of homes in the UK are often found throughout the more rural areas and some are hundreds of years old. Cottages are known for their sturdy construction, thick walls and traditional atmosphere. They can be 1 or two storeys high and the majority offering admission to substantial gardens. Cottages are often used equally holiday homes, as owners tin easily rent them out on a seasonal basis. Those who are looking to purchase such a unit for an average toll of £243,583 although once more, some locations will price much more or substantially less. If you are interested in such an investment, information technology is always prudent to use our budget computer to appreciate how much you can afford to spend.


Bungalows are normally single-storey structures which are discrete from other nearby homes. I of the easiest ways to differentiate between a bungalow and a detached house is the fact that bungalows tend to exist much smaller. The majority comprise only a handful of rooms although there might exist extra infinite contained within an cranium. Bungalows are slap-up for those who wish to purchase a part-time holiday dwelling house. According to figures released in 2016, the average asking price for a two-bedroom bungalow was £273,377.

Mansions and Conservation Properties

Out of all of the housing types in the UK, mansions and conservation properties are by far the nearly sought-after and luxurious; particularly for those who can afford such investments. Often known for their spacious nature and rich history, some of these structures are centuries quondam. A handful are likewise listed every bit historical locations of involvement, and so issues such as calculation new structure or obtaining planning permission are often extremely restricted. According to Foxtons, the average price for a property inside a Diamond Conservation area has actually fallen past iii.76 per cent to £587,646.

All of these types of residential backdrop in the U.k. offer their ain unique benefits and attributes. This is why performing a skillful amount of research in advance is always wise. If you would like to learn more near moving home or property advice in general, nosotros are ever here to help.